Wyandotte Animal Shelter
The Wyandotte Animal Shelter is now known as the Wyandotte Adoption Center (WAC). The city of Wyandotte consolidated animal control departments with three other cities (Allen Park, Southgate and Lincoln Park) on April 1, 2013. Our facility in Southgate (called Downriver Central Animal Control) handles ALL animal intakes, both stray, owner surrender and wildlife). DCAC volunteers work diligently to reunite strays with their owners, evaluate all new animals physically and determine if any require medical attention. When an animal is not reclaimed by their former owners after the legally mandated stray hold, our volunteers from both facilities work together to transfer animals deemed adoptable (with regard to temperament and health) to our premiere adoption center in Wyandotte at 1170 Grove.THE ADOPTION FACILITY ON GROVE IS NOT ABLE TO ACCEPT ANIMALS. ALL INTAKES ARE TAKEN AT THE CENTRAL FACILITY IN SOUTHGATE. THE WYANDOTTE FACILITY REMAINS AT CAPACITY AT ALL TIMES WITH TRANSFERS FROM DCAC. Both facilities maintain individual Facebook pages, DCAC's page is dedicated to posting new strays as well as any animals waiting to transfer to the adoption facility. WAC's page is dedicated to posting animals currently available for adoption. Either facility is able to answer most questions pertaining to any current animal.
The Wyandotte Adoption Center works closely with non-profit and rescue groups to implement a spay/neuter program and successful adoptions. It has a core group of volunteers who assist in the care and adoption of the animals. Within this group there are several committees who handle certain activities such as volunteering, cleaning the shelter on a daily basis, grooming, caring for the cats and dogs, the adoption process, reviewing the many adoption applications for approval and various fundraising events. There are currently over 60 dedicated and hard-working volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering your time at either facility, please contact wacvolunteers@gmail.com!