Wild Blue Animal Rescue and Sanctuary
Our Motto:
Save Precious Lives!
Our Vision:
We set the standard for animal sanctuary care.
We affirm the value and quality of life by saving animals and
connecting them with humans to form forever relationships.
Our Values:
Quality of Life: We create a positive, enriching environment for our animals, our volunteers, our adopters and our community.
Respect: We respect our rescued animals by providing a clean and cage-free sanctuary, by finding the best forever home we can for each one, and by offering the animals a safe place to live out their lives, if necessary. We respect our adopters by offering them honesty regarding the health and demeanor of our well-cared-for pets, and by educating them to become the best pet owners they can be. We respect our community by rescuing and caring for stray companion animals in the surrounding environment, and by establishing our sanctuary as a shining beacon on a hill, increasing the humane reputation of our friends and neighbors.
Service: We are committed to providing the best volunteer service in our industry. We honor the welfare of our animals by working tirelessly to give them the best temporary sanctuary and forever homes available. We invite and honor volunteers of all ages and promote the benefits of rewarding work and giving back to the community.
Enlightenment: We are committed to educating our volunteers, our adopters and our community in the mutual benefits of eliminating unnecessary euthanasia, as well as humane ways of treating animals throughout our community, county, state and nation. We give our adopters the tools they need to become forever partners with their pets.