Tufts Farm Field
Located on the campus of Tufts University’s Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, the Tufts Farm Field is a nearly 60-acre expanse of farmland along the Westborough/Grafton town line. It is primarily used to grow hay and grain for the school’s livestock. However, when it is not being farmed, the field is open to the public, provided that users
Members of the local community use the Farm Field for a number of purposes, including horse riding, bicycling, walking and especially dog walking. In 2010, a special 5.3-acre area was designated as an off-leash area for dogs to play. Anyone using the field outside the off-leash area must have their dogs on a physical leash at all times.
Because the field’s primary purpose is to feed the school’s livestock, we ask that you pick up after your animals, whether you are in the on-leash or off-leash area. Please be courteous of your fellow users and respect the privilege of using this property.