Tony La Russa’s Animal Rescue Foundation
ARF was co-founded by Elaine and Tony La Russa in 1991 to address the needs of companion animals.
People Rescuing Animals...Animals Rescuing People...®
ARF saves dogs and cats who have run out of time at public shelters and brings people and animals together to enrich each other's lives. ARF strives to create a world where every loving dog and cat has a home, where every lonely person has a companion animal, and where children learn to care.
ARF is a national leader in the animal welfare industry co-founded by Elaine and Tony La Russa in 1991. Headquartered in Walnut Creek, California, the nonprofit receives no government funding and is an accredited four-star charity. ARF’s core mission is the rescue of dogs and cats who have run out of time at public shelters, giving them a chance at life until a new home can be found. ARF couples this focus with innovative programs strengthening the human-animal bond for children, seniors, veterans, and people in disadvantaged circumstances. Through ARF, people experience the unconditional love and acceptance of dogs and cats to fulfill a mission of “People Rescuing Animals…Animals Rescuing People…”®
Core Values
Open • Driven • Educator's spirit
Strategic Anchors
Save lives • Inspire learning • Connect hearts