The Florida Humane Society
The Florida Humane Society is a beautiful and functional new facility located at 3870 North Powerline Road, situated between Pompano, Deerfield, and Coconut Creek and serving the needs of Broward and Palm Beach Counties and all of South Florida.
The Florida Humane Society serves as a primary adoption facility rescuing companion animals from animal control and owner surrenders.
The Florida Humane Society is a 501c3 non-profit organization not affiliated with any other humane organization and receives no funding from any local, state or federal agencies and is dependent entirely upon donations and the good will of the community.
The Florida Humane Society has many programs to enhance the animal's lives including community education, spay/neuter programs, and a disaster preparedness team.
We are dedicated to saving the lives of unwanted companion pets through adoption, as well as aggressively striving to reduce the pet population through spay and neuter programs, and an overall commitment to increase the awareness of our community of the ongoing issues of understanding our domestic and feral animal population.
Stop by and visit us or attend any of our community events or volunteer your time to help us enrich the lives of our animal companions.
The Florida Humane Society is dedicated to saving the lives of unwanted companion pets through adoption, as well as aggressively striving to reduce the pet population through spay and neuter programs, and an overall commitment to increase the awareness of our community of the ongoing issues of understanding our domestic and feral animal population.
Incorporated as a nonprofit charitable organization, a 501(c)3,The Florida Humane Society, Inc., (a No-Kill Organization), has been in operation since 1993.
We have spayed/neutered thousands of animals (over 3,500 each year), both companion and feral, since we started. We take in the unwanted companion animals and animals from death row. We take care of their medical needs, including spay/neuter, and find them good and loving homes, about 2,800 per year. A few are feral cats that must be relocated after healing.
We are a volunteer based organization. There is such a need for us to do more than we are doing now. We receive numerous calls everyday from individuals and companies that want us to trap feral cats for them and from people who need to give up their companion animals. We want to be able to help them and respond to even more calls. Our volunteers have a lot of heart, love, compassion, patience, and energy, but have very limited funds.
We have come a long way since the beginning in 1993.