Stevens Point Dog Park
The City of Stevens Point allocated approximately 30 acres for the use of a fenced leashless dog park and the Point Dog Park committee raised over $40,000 for fencing, gates, and other materials. The Point Dog Park will remain free for all users.
The dog park is open 6 a.m. – 11 p.m.
Be advised that the use of Point Dog Park is at your own risk, including but not limited to the risk of being bitten, scratched, knocked down, tripping, etc.
Dog owners and handlers are personally and legally responsible for your animals. You are using Point Dog Park at your own risk and are personally and legally liable. By informing users of the risks involved in using Point Dog Park, the City of Stevens Point and State of Wisconsin assumes no liability per state statute 895.52 Recreational Activities; Limitation of Property Owners Liability.