Roxborough Dog Park
The Roxborough Dog Park is a 501c3 non for profit. It is a volunteer run dog park. The park's future relies on donations, sponsors and membership. Additionally, the board relies on the community for feedback and ideas for improvements.
To create a fenced-in, off leash Dog Park where well-behaved canine citizens can exercise and socialize in a clean, safe environment.
To promote responsible dog ownership through educational and recreational activities, demonstration projects and training opportunities, thus encouraging current and potential dog owners to develop a more meaningful relationship with their canine companion.
Demonstrate to non- dog owners that well-behaved dogs have a place in our community.
To develop a beautiful and well- maintained space out of a vacant lot for the beautification and use of the community.
To view the Park as a community project in the Roxborough section of Philadelphia, Pa, designed to satisfy the needs of dog owners and non-dog owners alike.