Rocky Mountain Feline Rescue (RMFR)
Rocky Mountain Feline Rescue (RMFR) was founded in 1982 with the mission to care for homeless, abandoned, abused, and neglected cats. Over the past twenty-five years the organization has grown into a limited-intake, free-roaming shelter with space for 125 cats. In 2016, RMFR provided medical expenses, housing, food, exams, in-house surgeries, and medical treatment for over 1448 cats.
RMFR does not contract with local governing bodies and receives no government funding. Instead, the rescue relies on individual donations, events, and grant fundraising efforts to support operation expenses. The rescue offers cat-safe indoor and outdoor spaces which allow shelter cats the freedom to explore their surroundings and genuinely interact with people and other cats. RMFR also utilizes in-store adoption programs to maximize adoption opportunities. The rescue also has a robust foster network of dedicated volunteers who provide healthy environments for RMFR cats. Our cats develop strong social skills which lead to a high-percentage of permanent placements in furever homes.
Rocky Mountain Feline Rescue makes a lifelong commitment to every cat it accepts into the shelter, and we do everything we can to find a good home for all of our residents. In 2016, RMFR had a 93% adoption rate versus intake of 1,393 cats! But our rescue is more than just a shelter; we prioritize being a safe-space for FIV+, FeLV+, and senior cat populations often overlooked by municipal programs. We have cats who spend their entire lives waiting for adoption, and we make sure it is a life worth living. In 2016, RMFR had a euthanasia rate of .5% where only 8 of 1,448 animals we helped had to be euthanized out of medical necessity.