Precious Paws Rescue, Inc.
incorporated in the State of Florida in March 2009 and has complied with the registration requirements of Florida Statutes and Solicitation Act. Registration number CH29226.
We’re a 501 (c) 3 public charity under IRS tax code and contributions may be tax deductible. We’re an all volunteer organization and have no paid staff.
The goal of Precious Paws Rescue is to reduce pet overpopulation through rescuing, fostering, adopting and sponsoring low cost spay, neuter and vaccinations programs. Prospective adopters are asked to complete an “Adoption Application”. The information requested gives the PPR volunteer a brief insight into your lifestyle and living arrangements. If you do not own your home you will be asked to provide a note from your landlord indicating that you may have pets in your home. The question about current pets in the household is important. It is the practice of PPR not to adopt an animal to families where non-sterilized pets are living. An effective sterilization program is the key to decreasing the number of homeless pets. Information on your pets also gives the PPR volunteer information on the possible compatibility of the PPR rescued pet and your current household pets. PPR volunteers are working to place each pet in the most suitable home environment. As PPR pets are fostered in a home environment the foster parent is able to identify the habits of the rescue pet and the home and lifestyle of the adoptive family will make for the most successful adoption.