Pensacola Hotel for Dogs and Cats- Adoption and Rescue Shelter Service
The Hotel for Dogs & Cats is a no-kill, all volunteer, non profit Rescue and Adoption Service.
We unite animals in need with loving forever-homes. Please consider making a donation at the link below to help us care for our 4 legged friends.
The Hotel for Dogs & Cats is a Rescue & Adoption Service and is run solely by your donations. Because of your wonderful assistance every puppy, dog, kitten & cat that you see on the website has the chance to find their forever homes.
Bless You for your Donation & helping to save the Life of a wonderful pet!!
**** The best donation you can give a Dog & Cat is a monetary donation! The medicines, pills, spays & neuters, puppy, dog, kitten and cat foods that we use at The Hotel are not available for public purchase and can only be purchased by licensed veterinarians.
- CLEANING SUPPLIES- are a constant need: Laundry detergent, bleach, Clorox Clean-Up, paper towels, disinfectant wipes & sprays, air freshener sprays, trash can liners, Swiffer Sweeper spray & wipes, hand disinfectant, rubber gloves.
- SUPPLIES FOR CAGES- include newspapers and blankets to keep our guests warm & cozy. It's best that blankets be large towel size or smaller. Large filled comforters, pillows and the-like can not be used, our guest cages are not that big. Small & medium dog & cat beds are okay.
- FOOD- Puppy, dog, cat & kitten foods are purchased by The Hotel and are a Special Brand specifically for our Guests! Many of our Guests need this special food to help them get back to a healthy state of Life!
- MISC. CARE ITEMS- Dog & Cat Items: Cat litter is always in need. Soft kitten & cat toys. Soft & hard chew toys for dogs & puppies. Heavy dog leashes with clip ends, and nylon loop-end dog leashes. Collars of all sizes for puppies, dogs, kittens & cats. Dog and cat cages of ALL sizes.