Pat Brody Shelter for Cats
Pat Brody lived in Lunenburg and had a very special love for cats. She founded the shelter in 1984 as a means to help stray cats.
Pat died of cancer in 1991 and there was concern over the fate of the shelter. Priscilla, our current shelter director, had been volunteering with Pat for about a year and she stepped forward and took over the shelter with the help of a dedicated group of volunteers.
Much has changed since then. In 1991 the shelter was helping 80+ cats. Today we adopt out 600 or more cats each year. We continue to improve our facilities and expand the level of services we can offer.
All of this work is done by unpaid volunteers and through adoption fees and donations. It's a labor of love which is reflected in the good health and upbeat attitudes of the shelter's feline population.
Our mission is to rescue stray and abandoned cats and kittens and make their lives safe and happy until they are adopted and given their forever home.
We can all make a big difference by each helping just a little. Our entire shelter is run by caring, loving volunteers. Volunteering can create wonderful change your life...would you like to become one?