Pack N Pounce Animal Rescue
Pack n Pounce is a small rescue with big goals. We take in shelter pets, pets abandoned at vet offices and owner surrendered pets that need a second chance. Our rescued pets are fostered in loving homes rather than in shelter like conditions. This way we can get to know each furbaby on an individual basis and be better able to evaluate the best owner for each furbaby.
Our goals:
Stop the euthanasia of unwanted animals and to educate the public of the importance of training, neutering, vaccinations, proper housing, dental, and medical care so pets can live a long and healthy life.
Help all Utah shelters achieve No Kill status by reducing the number of unwanted animals.
Teach the public the importance of being compassionate to their pets, the responsibilities of pet ownership, how to be protectors and guardians to these animals who rely on you.