Lyndale Farmstead Off-Leash Dog Park
Completely Fenced Benches and shade structure available.
Entrance located on Dupont Avenue South.
Street Parking Only: West 38th and West 40th streets or Bryant Avenue.
Note: There is no parking on King’s Highway between 38th and 40th streets, or in the MPRB operations center parking lot. The ground at the Lyndale Farmstead Dog Park is crushed granite. Some dogs’ paws may be sensitive to this surface.
The material was used because this dog park is located within a flood storage area that is part of Minneapolis’ storm water system. Unlike wood chips that are used in other MPRB dog parks, crushed granite will not wash into the storm water system during peak rain storms and potentially damage storm water pumps that are used to pump the access rain water to other piping systems in the City’s system.