Lockwood Animal Rescue Center (Lockwood ARC / LARC)
The Lockwood Animal Rescue Center (LARC) offers lifetime homes to its residents. In addition to caring for the animals at our sanctuary, LARC strongly supports returning combat Veterans. Many of our facility caregivers, office staff, and board members were at one point active military personnel. Since we provide lifetime care, it is crucial to provide ongoing enrichment, huge outdoor enclosures, and animal-to-animal interaction at our sanctuary. LARC started on a 20-acre facility but recently purchased the adjoining 3,000 acres to create a buffer for rescued animals and a private serene setting for the Veterans who come here to heal.
LARC and its roots come from a place where all animals are respected and therefore feeding carnivores causes quite a quandary. But like all problems in life, if you look hard enough, a solution can be found. LARC does NOT kill any animal to sustain our rescued carnivores. All our animals are fed meat that would otherwise end up in a landfill, thereby removing us from supply and demand. This allows LARC to offer an eco-friendly solution to the environment while also standing true to our beliefs… that all sentient beings are sacred.
The same methodology is true when it comes to construction at LARC. All of our enclosures are constructed with materials that have been collected and reused to protect the environment. A quick example of this: LARC works with distributors in the area to collect galvanized metal and chain link, which is brought back to LARC, inspected, and reused to build some of the sprawling 3 acre habitats that house our rescued sentient beings.