Land O’ Lakes Recreation Complex :Dog Park
The Dog Park at this location is for the public to use. It is located at the back of the property next to the Pet Cemetary. There are several dog classes and events that are offered at the Dog Park for owners and their pets to enjoy. Donations are accepted at this location for toys, blankets, towels, etc and are given to Pasco County Animal Services. Donations of food, medicine, flea control, and other similar items are donated to the SPCA.
It is a fenced in facility where the dogs can run free and play with others but there is a partition to separate the smaller and larger dogs. There are fire hydrants, tunnels to run through and a few covered benches for their owners to watch them play. A drinking fountain for the dogs is available but we highly recommend bringing your own dog bowl so there aren't any issues with dogs that may be sick. The park has a dog-poop station to supply you with bags to pick up after your animals. We gladly accept plastic bags or donations so we can purchase them for your pets. All dogs are to be licensed and vaccinated.