Journey’s End Animal Sanctuary
Journey's End Animal Sanctuary provides lifetime care and shelter for dogs, cats, horses, pigs, sheep, and birds that have been abused, neglected, or have special needs. Rather than emphasizing adoption, Journey's End provides a homelike setting where animals can enjoy the remainder of their lives in a comfortable, loving atmosphere.
Our sanctuary is located in a rural area near DeLand, Florida. We currently have capacity for over 300 animals. The sanctuary consists of a large home, plus a guest house, that have been customized for the animal residents, plus several outbuildings such as sheds and horse stables.
In order to preserve Journey's End, a board of directors was formed in August, 1988 and 501(c)(3) non-profit status was granted in 1999. Initially, the sanctuary was personally funded by its founder, Florence Thuot. Donations and animal sponsorships currently provide operating funds.
The founder of Journey's End, Florence Thuot, started the sanctuary in 1974. At that time, she and her late husband Paul worked as animal cruelty investigators for the Volusia County Sheriff's Department. They began their compassionate endeavor by bringing home some of the most needy animals.