Howard Dog Park
The Howard Dog Park is free to all users at this time. However, in order to continue the park at no charge, adequate donations must be received to help sustain operations of the park. Donations will also be used towards future improvements to the park. All users are encouraged to donate.
Donors will be recognized on a sponsorship sign at the entryway to the dog park. There are four levels of recognition:
- Level 1 (Bone) $50 minimum
- Level 2 (Paw Print) $100+
- Level 3 (Fire Hydrant) $250+
- Level 4 (Dog House) $500+
There is also an opportunity for businesses to support the dog park. Businesses can advertise at the park via signage on the fence. Signs cost $300 per year plus the cost of the sign. Please contact Village Hall for more information at 920-434-4640.