Greyhound Adoption Center
GAC maintains our rescue shelter in the San Diego area as a rehabilitation and adoption center. We also use foster homes, as needed, in areas throughout California. Each greyhound gets quality veterinary care. Volunteers and staff care for our hounds, get to know their personalities, feed and bathe them, and assess their behavior with children, cats and other dogs before they are matched to their forever homes. We believe our kennel facility is the best place to bring dogs straight from the track so parasites and other common medical conditions cannot be passed on to other dogs living in people’s homes. Our rescue center also enables the dogs to socialize, be exposed to a wide variety of people and have their behavior assessed by our resident greyhound expert.
Greyhounds are waiting every day to become part of our rescue and adoption program! They come from racetracks, animal shelters and owners relinquishing their greyhounds. GAC takes in ex-racing greyhounds (typically two to five years old), as well as seniors, puppies, greyhound mixes and non-racing greyhounds, ill or injured greyhounds, and those that are shy, challenging or otherwise may be overlooked or left behind. We keep all our dogs for as long as it takes to find the right home. While many “special needs” dogs stay with us longer, they deserve a home as much as those greyhounds who may be easier to place.
Our organization is officially based in Southern California with a rescue kennel in San Diego’s East County. We carry out adoptions in areas throughout California where we have local volunteers to ensure responsible adoption placements, provide pre- and post-adoption support, and promote a sense of community to those GAC adopters and volunteers wishing to participate in the organization. GAC supporters live across the country and even internationally! We welcome new friends who want to learn about greyhounds, hear news about our organization and support our efforts.
GAC is a California-based 501(c) 3 non-profit organization that rescues, rehabilitates and places greyhound dogs in loving homes in California.