WOOF is proud to provide fundraising and volunteer support the new dog park at Godown Park.
The dog park at Godown Park was built from the ground up as a dog park. A natural setting of rolling terrain and hills, mature shade trees and landscaping with grass, mulch and boulders provides an interesting array of sights and smells for dogs.
Park Hours:
dawn to dusk
Park Amenities:
Large dog area - 4.5 acres, fully fenced, 5' coated chainlink fencing, two double-gated entrances
Small dog area - approximately one acre, fully fenced, 5' coated chainlink fencing, two double-gated entrances
Paved Pathways throughout both the large and small dog areas
Dog Water Fountain (and one for people, too)
Dog Rinsing-off Station
Dog Waste Bags provided
Trash Cans
50 space paved parking lot
Information Pavilion with kiosk including park rules and safety tips, WOOF events and activities and dog behavior information.
The dog park at Godown Park is a partnership of the City of Worthington and the City of Columbus with volunteer and fundraising support from WOOF."