Fresh Pond Dog Park
The Town of Dennis has a Pooper Scooper bylaw requiring owners & keepers of dogs to pick up solid waste and dispose of it properly, and a Leash and Restraint bylaw pertaining to dogs. All dogs are required to be leashed or under immediate voice control of a responsible owner or keeper. There are fines for violations of these bylaws ranging from a written warning to $100.00, so please be respectful of other walkers and follow the rules. The beach areas may be closed seasonally due to protected shorebird nesting and reopen after the babies have fledged and left their nests. Thank you for not allowing your dogs to disturb the nesting sites, which are protected by law.
Fresh Pond Dog Park: This lovely new addition to our dog-friendly recreational areas boasts two fenced enclosures, a fresh water swimming area for dogs, and a walking trail through the woods. The dog park is conveniently located on Rte. 134 South, between traffic lights at Upper County Rd. and the traffic lights at Rte. 28.