Forgey Dog Park
Forgey Dog Park, located at 1665 Riverdale Road, is open to members from dawn to dusk 365 days per year. Members enjoy a secure, fenced area where dogs can socialize with others. Germantown Park Rangers monitor the area where there is plenty of open space for dogs to run and jump. Large and small breeds have separate spaces to enjoy.
Dog owners who are interested in membership at Forgey Dog Park are invited to register at the Parks and Recreation office, weekdays, 8 a.m. to 5p.m. New and returning members must complete an application, sign an insurance waiver, provide proof of residency (no driver's licenses accepted) and a copy of current pet vaccination records and view a five-minute presentation. Resident member fees are $40 for the first dog and $10 for each additional dog. Non-residents pay a slightly higher fee to use the park. Membership is required for access to the area.