Colorado Animal Rescue Express
C.A.R.E. is dedicated to providing safe transportation of homeless pets to approved rescues and adoptive homes. C.A.R.E. is committed to reducing the number of homeless pets by funding spay and neuter programs. C.A.R.E. assists homeless pets with veterinary care through Jake’s Fund. C.A.R.E. helps individuals keep their pets during times of hardship, and assists pets and shelters affected by natural disasters. C.A.R.E. provides donated food, supplies, and capital improvements to disadvantaged shelters and rescuers.
TRANSPORT: C.A.R.E. was originally formed as an animal transport service, saving lives by moving terrific dogs and cats from places where they were not wanted to areas where they could find new forever families. From June 2007 through August 2016, C.A.R.E. was performing multiple transports each week moving dogs and cats from the Midwest states to Colorado rescue groups, shelters and adopters.
This past August, we transferred these transports to a new group called Hope For Paws Colorado. They will continue to carry out the weekly transports of animals needing to be moved from the Midwest states to Colorado. C.A.R.E. will continue to arrange or sponsor other smaller transports for animals unable to ride on the larger transfers and from small rural shelters. We also regularly fund transports of relinquished or stray animals transferred from tribal communities to rescues in Denver. This transition allows us to focus more time on networking homeless pets and expanding our other programs.
Last, through the generosity of the Denver Dumb Friends League, and other pet food providers in Denver, we are able to collect donations of pet food and pet supplies and distribute them to places where they are needed, including regular donations to Native American communities.
Thank you for your support!!!