Clay County Animal Care & Control
Clay County's Animal Care and Control Shelter and Adoption Center is responsible for handling public complaints regarding animal-related issues such as stray animals, bite complaints or sick and/or injured animals. Clay County Animal Care and Control (CCACC) investigates bite reports to ensure public health and safety and encourages spaying or neutering of all pets in an effort to alleviate pet overpopulation. The department promotes adoptions from the shelter and has made huge improvements to become a leader in developing progressive programs to encourage adoptions. The Animal Control staff invites you to visit the shelter.
Animal Care and Control's duties include but are not limited to patrolling county roadways for stray animals, receiving and responding to citizens complaints, writing citations and investigating bites and cruelty reports and the operation of the Animal Care and Control Shelter. The Department is responsible for handling public complaints regarding animals and enforces all State and County related laws regarding dogs and cats to protect the health, welfare and safety of citizens as well as animals. Animal Care and Control provides the needed care for stray, abandoned, sick and/or injured animals. Animal bites are fully investigated to ensure public health.
Community Services Provided
- Uniform enforcement of county animal services regulations and laws.
- Housing lost and unwanted pets.
- Removal of stray and nuisance animals from streets and public areas, in order to eliminate potential health and safety hazards.
- Quarantine services for Health Department on animal bite cases.
- Issuance of citations.
- Pick up of deceased animals on county roads.
- Transportation of reclaimed and adopted animals to the veterinarian for rabies shot and/or sterilization.
- Education provided to the school system upon request.
- Visit nursing homes and shut-in citizens with an animal upon request.
Animal Regulations
- Dogs must be contained and not allowed to run at large.
- Food, water and shelter must be provided to any domestic animal.
- Cats can roam at will, however, the cat can not become a nuisance to anyone.
- Dogs or cats four (4) months or older shall be vaccinated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian.
- A current rabies tag must be attached to the animal’s collar, which shall be worn by the animal at all times.
- Evidence of vaccination shall consist of Rabies Vaccination and License Certificate signed by the veterinarian administering the vaccination.
- A current rabies tag must be attached to the animal’s collar, which shall be worn by the animal at all times.