Clark County Dog Fancier’s Park
There are a total of 5 areas. All areas are totally enclosed.
Areas 1, 2 Toward Parking Lot / backs up to Stephanie
Area 3 Exterior dog run, near trees / on Stephanie South of Flamingo
Area 4 West of areas 1,2,3 / near Jimmy Durante Dr.
Area 5 West of the parking lot / North of areas 1, 2, and 3
Areas 1– 4 are reservable (Reservable times: 8 a.m. and 11 p.m.)
Area 5 is kept open for public use (6 a.m. to 11 p.m.; 7 days a week)
Unless an area is reserved all areas are open for public use.
Club House:
Reservations required with prior notice.
RV and overnight parking is allowed with prior approval and paid fees.
Charges: Community/Commercial*
Areas 1-3, (up to 4 hours) $40/$80
(4 to 8 hours) $80/$160
Area 4, $120/$240
Concessions per unit per day $40/$60
RV Parking $10
No Charge for Lights or electricity (only one outlet on building)
* Community Rate requires proof of non-profit status. *