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Pampered Diva Duckling Video
Pampered Diva Duckling Video
I know most people are enjoying their off day as its Saturday. So, you will hopefully be pampering yourself and your pets. If it gets to be like this duck in this video, please record it and share so we can all enjoy. Happy Saturday. 🙂
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This home video compilation of a pampered pet duckling that grows up into something of a diva might just be the cutest YouTube clip you’ll ever see.
Beginning with a short, yet insanely sweet, video of the chick following it’s mum as she walks through the house, the short continues to follow the pet through various stages of growing up.
Including the best of bath time, the nadir of nap time with ‘best friend’ the cat, and also the cuteness of cuddles at bedtime, it’ll make even hardened hearts melt.
Entitled ‘My Duck’s Life’, it was posted to YouTube this week by user mihaifrancu.
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