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Nutrition Rich Healthy Dog Treat Recipe
Nutrition Rich Healthy Dog Treat Recipe

In this video, I show you how to make an easy, delicious for dogs, nutrition rich healthy dog treat recipe. This dog treat recipe contains Coconut Oil, Flax Hull Lignans, a Natural Dog Vitamin Mineral Supplement powder and Natural Dog Lamb, Rice and Cranberry Treat.
The properties of the flax hull seed lignans, coconut oil and the vitamin mineral mix will provide ample anti viral, anti fungal and anti bacterial qualities for your dog(s).
This recipe mix has helped eliminate dermatitis in dogs, MRSA, and other nasty problems that your dogs might encounter over their lives. In my book below, you will see tales of how I was able to heal them of various ailments. By know means do I assert myself as a doctor. Please use at your own discretion. This is a recommended recipe for what has helped me and others with their pets.
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This is the Boomer Lignans used in the video. You can also email me to purchase:
This is my book which you can email me to purchase using the above email, or by visiting book page by clicking the book cover below.
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