Imagine:No frequent trips to the vet – A clean bill of dog health!
No unnecessary medicines for Fido.
No harmful chemicals that poison Fido and pollute our environment! Sounds too good to be true? Not if we, as dog parents, are proactive and willing to act as our dogs’ best health advocate!
With our dogs’ best interests in mind, I have created this website to help other dog parents like you, who, in addition to conventional veterinary healthcare and treatment, also want to use natural remedies and holistic healthcare as complementary options to give their dogs the best of both worlds, so that they can enjoy a long, happy and healthy life. This site has A LOT OF detailed, up-to-date, and well-researched information, from numerous natural remedies for treating common dog illnesses, natural dog foods and supplements, to holistic dog care, and more. Therefore, I encourage you to follow Fido’s motto:
Brutus, the pet grizzly bear-Short “Beary” Cool Video
You might have seen this before, but I hadn’t and felt it was “Beary” unique and worth sharing today. Have a great day! Check out the site some time. There is now an book store featuring cool pet books of all varieties and other products and such. Best to you and yours, Grier
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