Behaviors and Training, cats, feral cats
Postpartum Depression: Cats May Get It Too – Petful
River doted on her newborn kitten. It was almost as though she knew that the not-so-tiny “singleton” was her last shot at motherhood before
Then, around 4 weeks later, Kathie, River’s human, found a gaping wound on the back of the kitten’s neck. Li’l One went to the vet, was treated with antibiotics and was separated from her mom. Kathie and the vet did everything they could to save the kitten. But the infection had gone too deep — Li’l One died at the end of the week.
River grew very depressed. She didn’t understand why her baby had been taken from her or her part in it. The humans involved didn’t understand it completely themselves. River had been such a loving mom to Li’l One in the beginning. What had driven her to
Good Mom
Since ancient Egypt, cats have been associated with motherhood. They are utterly wrapped up in — and fiercely protective of — their kittens. We’ve all seen or heard how females in
But he doesn’t believe that the queens in a colony are “consciously helping each other. Rather, many female cats, especially those with kittens, seem not to distinguish between their offspring and those of other cats with whom they are already friendly; in the wild, these are most likely their own daughters and sisters — cats they have known and trusted their entire lives.”
These female cats work together for the common good, the kittens who will keep their tribe/particular genes going. The queens strive “to monopolize the best sites for dens in which

The Maternal Urge
Only problem is, not all female cats have that strong maternal urge. Or sometimes, as in River’s case, something happens to it.
I saw one
Some queens will take it up a few notches and kill and/or
Don’t think that this just happens with feral or barn cats. The breeders of
The important thing here — apart from getting the kittens safely away, that is — is to avoid demonizing the mother. Writer Anne S. Moore tells the story of a breeder who had a queen euthanized as “punishment” for eating her babies: “The cat was quite nice in other respects and would have made a lovely pet for somebody. Do not blame the cat if its instincts go awry.”
Feline Postpartum Depression
Actually, there’s not much written on the subject. We don’t, as someone pointed out in an online discussion, “really understand it in humans. … Whether animals can suffer postpartum depression depends on how you define postpartum depression. Technically speaking, the current clinical definition only applies to humans, so a clinician’s answer would be ‘no.’”
But one woman in the same forum talked about how her
Another person who worked in a shelter had dealt with
After losing her own babies, this cat adopted rescued kittens:
Dr. Thomas Morganti of the Avon Veterinary Clinic in Connecticut doesn’t see why postpartum depression should apply only to humans. “As the kittens are weaned, the oxytocin levels drop because the mother’s not nursing anymore. And oxytocin is ‘the hormone of love.’” He believes that postpartum depression “happens in all species. It’s just that the changes are subtle. Somebody else might not notice it, but you might in your own cat.”
It would also explain River’s behavior, Kathie feels. “You find a lot of women suffer from postpartum depression in different degrees. I’m sure cats suffer it, too. The hormones are there. Where do they go? Something has to happen to them.” River, like
We make a lot of assumptions about feline behavior, and this is one area that really calls out for exploring. Hopefully, someone will take that step.
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