Here’s a news flash: most puppieswill shed. That soft, cuddly coat he has now is his puppy coat, and he will shed that for his adult coat when he’s three-to-six months old, although some breeds take much longer. And then, depending on his breed, he’ll be an infrequent shedder, a seasonal shedder, or he’s a breed that leaves fur tumbleweeds all over the house. Some owners get used to dog hair on the furniture and their own clothing, a dog hair on the dinner plate, and pretty much everywhere and on everyone. But there are several steps you can take to minimize the shedding or at least clean up after it.
Try to Reduce the Shedding
Invest in grooming tools and plan to spend a few minutes every day removing loose hair from his coat. Start this early in his life so he’ll become used to it as he grows (and sheds).
Take a trip to the groomer. It’s more expensive than DIY grooming, but it may reduce shedding.
Consider his diet. Feed him high-quality dog food. Some owners add a bit of olive oil to food to keep his coat healthy, but you might want to check with your veterinarian first.
Invest in a Great Vacuum for Pet Hair
A “dog-hair”quality vacuum cleaner can make all the difference. There are also attachments available that you can use to vacuum the dog, if he’ll let you. Some dogs even like it!
Handheld Vacuum — Highly rated vacuum cleaners advertised as effective for vacuuming pet hair come in several different styles. If you prefer a handheld one, this Bissell is lightweight and has two nozzles, including one designed to pull pet hair out of upholstery and stairs.
Upright Vacuum — These cleaners can be effective, too. Eureka makes a bagless upright with several tools, including a crevice tool and a brush for hard-to-reach areas.
Vacuum and Grooming Tool in One — Some owners like to groom and vacuum all at once. The Dyson Groom is an attachment that collects loose hair while you’re grooming.
Carpet Cleaner and Deodorizer — If you’re not interested in buying a new vacuum cleaner, many owners swear by Arm & Hammer Pet Fresh. The company says it helps loosen dog hair and also eliminates odors.
Other Pet Hair Cleaning Tools
A damp sponge will lift dog hair off the furniture and carpet.
Keep several lint brushes handy.
How much cleaning you’ll be doing depends on the breed to some extent. Some breeds, like Poodles, Havanese and Yorkshire Terriers, for example, have hair rather than fur and are virtually shed-free. Others, like Golden Retrievers, German Shepherd Dogs, and both varieties of Corgis, shed like crazy. But some hair stuck in your keyboard or on your new suit is a small price to pay for the companionship of a beloved dog.
My male Schipperke passed December 18th 2020. He was such a tremendous spirit. He was just a little too adventurous for his own good. He got hit by a car in August of 2018 which nearly killed him. My good friend Bob came over about an hour after it happened. Billy was very close to leaving us that night.
was last modified: March 4th, 2020 by Grier Holliday
My sweet Cinnamon girl lost her vision about a year ago in December of 2019. We have had to deal with the issues including getting stuck in every piece of furniture in the house, ever nook and cranny in the back yard and had feeding her.
was last modified: March 4th, 2020 by Grier Holliday
The video gives a short dog rehab therapy for anyone who has a dog that was injured or is suffering from hip and joint issues. Swimming alleviates the pressures on the joints and is a good way to build muscles back after losing strength after an injury or because of pain.
was last modified: May 16th, 2019 by Grier Holliday
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